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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Maecenas vel neque at ex imperdiet sagittis

Thursday, September 23rd at 11:00 AM ET


Nulla ut nisl a tellus pretium efficitur

  • Donec blandit magna vel dignissim facilisis
  • Vivamus aliquam enim condimentum ligula rutrum
  • Etiam eu fermentum turpis.

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Car Dealership Point-of-Sale Software Defined

Virtually every retail business has a point-of-sale system. Retailers – regardless of whether they are online or...

11 min read

5 Steps to Desking a Car Deal in Less than 10 Seconds

There are certain givens in car buying and selling. One is desking — reaching an agreement on price, payment, and...

8 min read

Dealership Pricing Strategy: Understanding the One-Price Model

When buying a new vehicle, consumers are often left wondering whether they got the best deal. Today’s car buyers want a...

9 min read

Talking Modern Retail Pricing & Process on AutoLeadStar's "InsideAuto" Podcast

Fuse Autotech Chief Executive Officer Colton Ray and Director of Industry Relations Alan Krutsch recently sat down with...

4 min read

Single Point of Contact: 5 Benefits of SPOC for Dealerships

Transitioning to a single-point-of-contact (SPOC) sales model is one of the rare times in business where adding...

7 min read

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